ARKAMN Kenya Water Purifier

KSH 35000.00
Our ARKMAN Water Purifiers produce high levels of drinking water through Reverse Osmosis. Very convenient for homes and offices. The purifier is directly connected via a tube to your sink which fills the purifier automatically. Another tube used for filtered out waste is connected to the drainage of your sink. Water passed through our purifier can reach a pureness of 001 PPM as compared to city water, which is 050 PPM when measured with a TDS meter. For more questions please contact us via phone of email. Capacity of 12 liters per hour.
Price On Website and Store Include Delivery and Installation.

ARKMAN Water Purifier Filters

KSH 3000.00
Our water purifier filters rarely have to replaced, unless the water you are trying to purifier is visibly dirty. If you suspect your filters need to be replaced, we will send one of our plumbers to test the filters and replace whichever one needs to be replaced.


KSH 1000.00.
TDS Meters measure the total dissolved solids in liquids and temperature. Display shown in three digits PPM.

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